Bring Your Business on the Road to Recovery
Nationally there are 22+million people in recovery
What is a Recovery-Friendly Workplace?
A Recovery-Friendly-Workplace is aimed at breaking down the barriers of both mental health and substance misuse in the workplace. It helps destigmatize the negative connotations for both diseases. This helps create a safe place for employees by fostering a supportive environment and at the same time saving the company money.
Employees in recovery miss 5 fewer days than those who aren’t and save around $500 annually in health plan usage. This process can be completed in 10 simple steps and is at no cost to the employer.
For RFW FAQs please click here.
The Connecticut Department of Public Health has identified 5 Key Principles to guide the development of a new approach to dealing with substance use disorder (SUD) in the workplace. Here’s a summary of the 5 Key Principles and what they mean.
SUD in general does not go away without treatment, so it’s essential to be alert to the issues, identify employees who may be struggling with SUD, and intervene early so that the problem can be addressed and contained.
Employers who are willing to take fast action on this issue are more likely to retain their employees, increase productivity, and be recognized for having a positive company culture.
For some employees, their job is an important part of recovery. The employer’s flexibility may even be the catalyst for the employee to get help in the first place.
SUD is a disability that requires simple, but consistent communications.
Large issues that impact the workplace (like SUD) can be solved more effectively when organizations mobilize together. It takes employers, employees, union officials, contractors, suppliers, distributors, and others in the supply chain to collectively make safety a priority.
Helpful resources:
For more information and the full Recovery Friendly Toolkit please visit or to sign up and become a Recovery Friendly Workplace please email Sharon Hanford at